National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

I'm closing off my Christmas countdown here with a review of my favorite Christmas movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. For anyone unfamiliar with the Vacation movies, just go rent them. It's comedy, and comedy, unlike Kevin Bacon, loses power with each person it goes through. I'll describe its bits and pieces, but it's funnier if you see it firsthand. My suggestion, though, is to skip the second one. These movies aren't exactly strict when it comes to continuity (the children are played by different actors of different ages in every movie), and European Vacation is the least funny one. Though it is kind of worth watching just to see Hagrid getting excited over the prospect of slipping into a tub with Beverly D'Angelo.

The Vacation movies are all about the same thing, just in different settings. Clark W. Griswold (Chevy Chase) wants to have the perfect family vacation. In Christmas Vacation, (in case you can't figure out from the title) he wants that perfect Norman Rockwell holiday moment, with the family opening presents and singing Christmas carols around the tree. As in real life, nothing goes right, all sorts of wackiness ensues, and we laugh because we've been in these types of situations before and it's not us there now. Clark has to deal with all sorts of things, such as dealing with the neighbors, decoration lighting issues, and annoying relatives. Speaking of annoying relatives, Cousin Eddie, played to perfection by Randy Quaid, is the highlight of any of these movies (and his absence is one of the reasons the European vacation isn't up to par with the rest of the series). Cousin Eddie is the goofy black sheep of the family, and if you've seen this movie and don't have a smirk on your face when thinking of him saying "Bingo", something is wrong with you. This movie has many classic moments, from Clark Sledding to his rant after receiving his Christmas bonus ("Hallelujah, Holy Shit!).

A few years ago, my family started a tradition of watching this movie every Christmas Eve, and it's one I hope to continue for a while. It reminds me of my own family in a way, from the grandfather sleeping in his chair, to the pets messing with the decorations. And just like in the movie, the holiday always turns out merry. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.