Apple Gimps QuickTime, Promotes iTunes
So, in a recent attempt to keep up with the movie scene in the US despite my station in South Korea, I tried to watch some new movie trailers. This inevitably leads me to using QuickTime. QuickTime used to be the best way to watch movie trailers, but has recently been displaced by the 300 pound gorilla, iTunes.
The reason I bring this up is as follows: After watching a few trailers, I noticed that movies invariably were horribly out of sync with the audio in QuickTime. The first thing I tried to do was update. That resulted in an error message. Then I attempted to repair QuickTime. All that did was result in changing the error message to something else. Frustrated, I uninstalled QuickTime and installed a version fresh from Apple's website. This again resulted in failures and error messages. After another reboot, I installed the version that comes with iTunes. Lo-and-behold! It works perfectly.I don't own an iPod and I certainly don't use Apple's overpriced detritus and annoying shovel-ware "helper apps", so I turned to the greatest invention of modern man: The Combined Community Codec Pack (a.k.a. CCCP). This little baby will play absolutely media file you can find on the Internet. Even better, most files work fine in Windows Media Player and WinAmp with this pack. Although I couldn't play .MOV files in WMP, the built in Zoom Player that comes with CCCP works just fine. I attribute this to bugs in WMP, not necessarily in CCCP. This is mostly because Windows tends to be full of bugs and that statement is in no way intended to be taken an assumption. )
Either way, it appears that Apple has completely gimped QuickTime as we know it.
So screw 'em. Use CCCP. Your cat will thank you.