Because it’s Christmas time brothas, Christmas time brothas, Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of the year, so I thought I’d try something interesting. If the force is with me, I will talk about one Christmas related item (mostly CDs) every weekday from now to the big day. Now, these won’t be full sized reviews. I don’t have that much free time. But hopefully a little something to countdown until the big day (yes, it’s a tradition I shamelessly ripped off of Matt from X-entertainment, but they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery). I have a mix of fun and well known items to flat out crap set up, so let’s see how this comes out.

The first item on the list is “Christmas In The Aire” by Mannheim Steamroller. These guys are a classic Christmas group. I think everyone has heard their version of “Joy to the World”. This CD has a mix of common songs (the aforementioned song, Rudolph, Jingle Bells) as well as some different offerings (what the hell is a Gaglirda? A Christmas song apparently). All in all, a decent start to the Christmas season.